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start [Unknown date] (Version actuelle) – modification externe (Unknown date)
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 +====== Projects, Docs, Links and More ======
 +===== Projects =====
 +==== Active ====
 +  * [[./Projects/postgres stuff | my stuff @ PostgreSQL]]
 +  * I play with blocks disk thanks to [[./Projects/PgFincore]]. Try it :)
 +  * [[|Nagios Check_Postgres]] is just great. 
 +  * I also enjoy [[|PNP4Nagios]] to get beautifull graph from Nagios.
 +  * I like those [[|Slony1-ctl administration scripts]].
 +  * [[|Piwik]] is a webanalytics like google one but open source! PostgreSQL support is not 100% but is on the way.
 +==== Dead or really quiet ====
 +  * [[|Munin PostgreSQL Plugins]] are designed for //Munin 1.2// and are not maintained (//Munin 1.4// have a nice lib that integrate PostgreSQL in the core).
 +  * A very old idea : [[|Language guesser]] support as a function in PostgreSQL.
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start.txt · Dernière modification : 2010/04/30 22:51 (modification externe)
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